As an exercise in sustained high tension, Wolf Creek is pretty good, perhaps only lacking the novelty of a Blair Witch or the sadistic ingenuity of last year's Saw. There's at least 45 minutes' worth of build-up and minor tremors - the vivid, naturalistic performances help - during which time the attention-deficient demographic most modern horror is aimed at will presumably walk out in the search of more immediate thrills. Still, let the kids away to The Cave: for when the meat and gristle arrive, they fully justify the 18 certificate. Writer-director-producer Greg McLean, announcing himself as a major genre talent, doesn't default on the disquiet and gore, but also proves very shrewd in his choice of chills: at least one scene is all the more horrifying for something nasty not happening. It's not fun, exactly, but it is supremely accomplished for what it is: a rare example of contemporary horror where you genuinely can't see what's coming, either through the unpredictable nature of its assembled terrors, or because you're simply unable to look. Those who go to the movies to watch the sufferings of others will have themselves quite the time.
(September 2005)
Wolf Creek screens on Channel 4 this Friday at 12.50am.
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