You could say TV sitcoms - Malcolm in the Middle and Everybody Hates Chris in particular - got here first, though maybe the demographics for those shows track a crucial couple of years older. No mind: director Thor Freudenthal, last observed biding time on Hotel for Dogs, casts well in the lead roles - these kids are lively, but not overly cute - and has fun with such Kinneyisms as "the cheese touch" (a lurgie-like curse that sets up expectations of a massive last-reel game of tig that never follows), a 1980s instructional video on schoolyard self-esteem, and a synchronised mother-son dance routine to the Beastie Boys' "Intergalactic". Best of all - as evidenced by the preservation of Kinney's stick-figure illustrations - he knows the advantages to be gained from keeping things simple. It's refreshing to see a family flick where no-one has superpowers, and someone's laid low with mono; one which extols the virtues of simply hanging out with your pals. And frankly, at this point in the holidays, it's a blessed relief to happen across something that doesn't involve talking CG animals.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid is on general release.
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