The role is practically tailored to the experiences of an actor whose wildest dreams must have come true after years in the wilderness. Cast because he's hot (and, presumably, still relatively cheap with it) Cooper proves generally more convincing as a self-deluded no-hoper than as the megabrain spouting forth on algorithms and "Aunt Helen's tumour", at which moments he starts to radiate the glib insincerity that has made his recent rise to prominence so problematic. Add to this another variably interested Robert DeNiro performance ("I'm moving out of the energy business," his powerbroker declares at one point, inadvertently summing up the last fifteen years of the actor's career), and some dull business about deal restructuring that appears to have been added at the behest of Richard Branson's relaunched production company Virgin Films, and Limitless really ought not to work.
What keeps it on just the right side of watchable is the very capable direction. After the genteel period trappings of 2006's The Illusionist, Burger here strains with every frame to make cinematic the highs and lows of drug abuse, culminating in a remarkable effect that turns one of Cooper's wilder nights on the town into a single, uninterrupted stream of visual data. The script demurs and gets messy on the matter, but the director, at least, never quite loses sight of the consequences of all this consumption. However flashy the thriller structure, a fascinated attention is paid throughout to such details as the leads' skin tones; these junkies actually look like junkies when their situation calls for it. The film isn't remotely in the same league, but it may be the most dynamic job of directing under the influence since Danny Boyle tackled Trainspotting.
Limitless opens nationwide tomorrow.
Limitless was nothing special and is slow at times. Overall the movie is good but nothing to write home about. The story has two segments which intertwine. The one is about a drug dealer who wants the pill as well and the other is about the business the main character gets involved in. The more interesting one is with the drug dealer. Deniro plays a small part in the film which is really irrelavant to the movie but still well acted. The acting keeps this movie going but the story drags and the script needed a couple more rewrites but overall you should rent this more then see it in a movie theater.