Actually, Evolution sparks false nostalgia for the misbegotten Blade sequels, which at least wasted interesting performers. The bland-and-blander leads here, a couple unlikely to set too many pulses racing, share the dullest sex scene in years (camera glued squarely to the Beckinsale navel, nudity clauses preventing any movement north or south), while recruiting Derek Jacobi in a tunic dignifies proceedings about as much as it did to pair Judi Dench with Vin Diesel in The Chronicles of Riddick. The rest is undistinguished evisceration, with one pair of plastic breasts thrown in for the especially hormonal, an 18 certificate that keeps out the target demographic, and sporadic flashbacks to the first film because, in his heart of hearts, even the director knows none of this is remotely memorable.
(January 2006)
Underworld: Evolution screens on Film4 on Monday night at 11pm.
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